Three Best Job You Can Without a Degree In Ghana.

Home Living Three Best Job You Can Without a Degree In Ghana.
Three Best Job You Can Without a Degree In Ghana.

Ghana currently has become a country where graduates or ordinary people struggles to get a professional job. This is actually not just Ghana, around the globe as well. If you don’t act smart in this 21st century, someone will act smarter and just make use of you.

You can’t just sit and watch money come to you, we work for money for money to work for us.

It’s simple as ABCD.

Surprisingly, there are some jobs you can start without a degree. I used a degree because it turns out that if you don’t go to the University you are actually not part of the professional and intellectual people within a society.

I am going to list three jobs you can start without a degree;

  1. By becoming a social media influencer: In one of my articles, I wrote about how to become an Instagram influencer.

Currently the world is technologically training and everything from within is now Technology inclined. Becoming a social media influencer doesn’t need a certificate to submit to any social media. All you need is an email and a creative password that is easier to remember.

You just choose your desire social media platform and register unto it. If you want to know how to become and influencer, you can just read here on how to become an Instagram influencer. Social media influencers earn as high as Ghs10, 000 in Ghana.

  1. A Digital Marketer: You can just read about how to become a PRO digital marketer on the blog. A digital marketer in a simple term is someone who is uses digital channels to reach customers.

Becoming a digital marketer needs no degree. All you need are digital channels like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and many more. Companies ore friends can just text you or pm you to market their products for them and you can charge as high as Ghs50 to Ghs5000 and the amount too can also depend on your brand.

  1. Setting Up your Own: Entrepreneurship is one of the broad industry every person either with skills or no skills, brains or no brains can enter into. It doesn’t matter if you have a degree or not.

I have a friend who started his own Hair dressing saloon and currently she has over 10employees exactly a year.

Ghana has a lot of opportunities and all depends on how you envision the future to be.


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